Hunza & Nagar Valley

Hunza & Nagar is the Mountainous valley located in Gilgit Baltistan at an elevation of about 8200 ft
 (2500 Metres) .

Karimabad is the capital of Hunza District named after Prince Karim Agha Khan the Spiritual leader of Shia Ismail Nizari community.

Hunza Valley is the 7th district tof Gilgit Baltistan , It is surrounded by stunning peaks like Rakaposhi , Hunza Peak, Ultar Sar Peak , Ghenta Peak , Passu Peak.

Nagar Valley is almost beside Hunza Valley and located at an elevation of 7999 ft (2438m). Nagar khas is the capital of Nagar Valley and it is one of the most populous district of Gilgit Baltistan.

Nagar Valley is too surrounded by amazing scenery and has got some serious tourist destinations like Rakaposhi peak , Diran , Spantik  ,Ultar Sar.
Nagar khas is the spiritual head of Shia Islam of Ayatallah Ali Sistani.

  Gilgit Baltistan is full of tourist spots, and a great place to spend vacations.
 There are many Hotels & Motels with almost all facilities for winter, Pakistan Tourism Corporation Development (PTDC).

See More Information about Tourist Facilities on this LINK.


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