Baltit Fort (Gilgit Baltistan)

Baltit Fort located in Hunza Valley of Gilgit in Pakistan is the 700 years old fort.

Later on in 16th century a local Prince married a Princess from Baltistan and bought some craftsmen of Baltit to renovate it for her dowry .

The looks of the building resembles with buddhist Tibetan era of that time.

In 1945 Mir's of Hunza Left this Palace and moved to other palace down the hill 
UNESCO has listed this fort in his World Heritage List.
 and now it is opened for tourist

According to the historical sources Hunza feudal lords were used to reside in Altit fort.
later on the conflicts between two sons of the famous Ruler Sultan and the struggle for power Baltit Fort became the seat for power in Hunza.

View to Rakaposhi from Baltit Fort

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